“We are not called to serve merely in order to receive a reward, but rather to imitate God, who made Himself a servant for our love. Nor are we called to serve only now and again, but to live in serving. Service is thus a way of life; indeed it recapitulates the entire Christian way of life: serving God in adoration and prayer; being open and available; loving our neighbor with practical deeds; passionately working for the common good.”
- Pope Francis
Community Outreach
Living a Life of Service
At St. Joseph Catholic Academy, service indeed is a way of life. Even our youngest students have opportunities during each school year to serve others and experience the joy that results from doing so. We believe that fostering a love of service in our students is vital to achieving our mission, as we continually create a culture aligned with Catholic Social Teaching and equip our graduates to transform the world they will encounter.

Our Lower Campus introduction to service as a way of living is formalized at the Upper Campus, as our middle school students are required to complete 20 service hours annually. Our high school students have the responsibility to complete 25 service hours annually. Many students complete far more than these minimums, knowing the great delight that results from putting their faith in action and helping others in tangible ways. Students may submit their individual service hours via this service hours form.
SJCA students also are able to participate in large-group service activities in addition to their individual service work.
A few examples of group service projects include:
Grade-level field trips to serve at Feed My Starving Children;
Lincoln Lagoon cleanup, in conjunction with the Root-Pike Water Initiative Network;
Foster Closet of Kenosha collection drive for local students in need;
Mitten Tree collection;
Senior Mission Trip;

“Centered in Christ, St. Joseph Catholic Academy builds scholars, leaders and stewards who will transform the world.”
Our mission statement is rightly ambitious in its scope. At SJCA, we believe that fostering a love of service in our students is vital to achieving our mission and equipping our graduates to transform the world they will encounter.