Expand Your Horizons
SJCA's J-Term is a highlight of our academic year. This two-week program provides Middle and High School students with the opportunity to design their own unique course schedule and tailor their learning experience to their interests and passions. With an extensive range of offerings, the program empowers students to create their ideal learning environment and achieve new heights academically. Our experienced faculty members are dedicated to providing an engaging and inspiring learning experience to each student.
2023-2024 J-Term Classes
Lower Campus Helpers
Boys Volleyball
Cooking for College
3-D Printing
Lifetime Sports
Middle School Yearbook
Sports and Society
ASL Sign Language
Intro to Sports Journalism
Stretching, Conditioning, and Mindfulness
Card Games, Cool Tricks & Building
Disney History & Trivia
The History Behind The Funeral Industry
Automotive Care Basics
Wireworking & Beading
Trivial Pursuits: Quiz and Trivia Fun
Foundations of Dance
No More Mean Girls: Guide for self-appreciation and lifting each other up
Calligraphy and Fun Fonts
Screen Printing
ACT Math prep
Hockey History & Appreciation
Marketing Club
Exploring Wizarding World: HP & Sorcerer's Stone
Roller Coasters 101 for Scaredy Cats
The History of the Automobile
Baskets of Joy Service Project
ACT English/ Reading Test Prep Crash Course
Mediterranean Life
Exploring Web Development & Aesthetics

Learning to Sew
AP & Studio Art
History vs Hollywood
Intro to Japanese
Intro to Ukulele and/or Guitar
History of Warfare
Running for Fitness
Julius Caesar- Learn all that goes into producing a play
Forensic Psychology
Geometric Arts and Crafts
History through Film
Baskets of Joy Easter Egg Hunt
Puzzle Me This-logic puzzles galore!
Advanced Sports Journalism
Mosaics and Mandalas
Engaging Young Minds-Learning to be a teacher
Middle School Open Studio
Around the World in 80 Days-Learning about various cultures
How to interpret Doppler Radar/ Severe Storm Features
Christian Movement, mindfulness, & artful journaling
Creative Writing: Short Fiction
The Great New Year Reset
Hebrew Basics
Science Fiction Plus