Join our community
The St. Joseph Catholic Academy Parent Association, Athletic Association, and Friends of the Performing Arts (FOPA) are groups of dedicated volunteers who organize and support a variety of activities and events throughout the year. We are grateful for the many volunteers who make these programs a success and we welcome new members to join us in support of our school.
We welcome family participation through our Parent Association, and we encourage all members to volunteer and participate in school events. We believe that when families, school, and church work together, we can have a profound impact on the lives of our students.

Parent Association
Get Involved and Support Our School
The St. Joseph Catholic Academy Parent Association is a volunteer group of parents who work together throughout the year to enhance the school experience of SJCA’s students. The objectives of the SJCA Parent Association to:
encourage the maintenance of high standards of family life,
create a greater appreciation of Catholic education,
organize and support special programs and student-focused activities and
provide opportunities for parent involvement.
Part of what makes SJCA strong is the energy and creativity of its volunteers. There are endless opportunities to get involved with Parent Association. Whether you’re interested in planning or chaperoning an event we welcome and appreciate your gift of time.
Parent Volunteer Opportunities
The SJCA Parent Association consists of three teams, Lower Campus, Middle School and High School, overseen by an Executive Committee. Some events carry over to all levels while others remain individualized based on the needs of the students and school. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact us at any of the emails listed below.

Partner with Us to Support Our Students
Lower Campus PA
LCPA Sponsored Events:
Trunk or Treat
Book Fairs
Grandparents Day
T-shirt giveaway
Halloween Party
Parent Teacher Conference Lunches
Christmas, Valentines Day and St. Patrick's Day treats
Field Day
Mother and Son Event
Father and Daughter Event
Catholic Schools Week
Lower Campus Promotions
Middle School PA
MSPA Sponsored Events:
Homecoming Picnic
Halloween Social
Parent Teacher Conference Dinner
Christmas Treats
Catholic Schools Week
Valentine's Day Lunch
St. Patrick’s Day Treat
Teacher Appreciation Week
Yearbook Signing/Kona Ice
8th Grade Graduation & Social
MS Meeting Dates
February 5th, 2025
April 9th, 2025
Meetings are held in the
UC Cafeteria @ 6PM
High School PA
HSPA Sponsored Events:
HOCO T-Shirts
HOCO Yard Signs
Halloween Treats
Parent Teacher Conference Dinner
Finals Treats
Father and Daughter Event
Father and Son Event
Mother and Daughter Event
Mother and Son Event
Grandparent's Day
HS Meeting Dates
February 5th, 2025
April 9th, 2025
Meetings are held in the
UC Cafeteria @ 7PM
Friends of the Performing Arts (FOPA)
The Friends of the Performing Arts (FOPA) is a volunteer group of parents who work together throughout the year to enhance the student experience of SJCA performing arts programs.

Athletics Association
The St. Joseph Athletic Association is a volunteer fundraising group which provides financial assistance to the SJCA athletic program. It is the goal of the Association to insure that all student athletes have quality uniforms and equipment so as to provide the best athletic experience. The Association neither sets nor implements athletic policy; it supplements funds provided by the school.
The Association was first formed in 1958 by a small group of parents and loyal supporters who recognized that the school’s budget could not realistically support the ever expanding needs of the athletic program. Since 1958, the Association has raised in excess of $1.5 million dollars to support the athletic programs at St. Joseph Catholic Academy.
The Athletic Association raises money necessary to enhance the athletic programs for young woman and men at St. Joseph Catholic Academy. Its fundraising activities raise the money to provide the items which would not otherwise be available to our athletes. Currently, the Association is committed to providing a minimum of $30,000 each year to pay direct costs of the interscholastic athletic programs.
Principal Fundraising Events
Annual Century Dinner held in Spring.
Annual Golf Outing held the third Wednesday in July.
Banner Program
Kevin McTernan, Athletic Association President