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Welcome to the LC Info Blog!

Updated: 5 days ago

We are in the midst of peak cold and flu season, and illnesses are running high. While we want to prioritize learning, that does not effectively happen when a child is not feeling well. To help keep our students and school community healthy, we want to remind families of the 24-Hour Rule: Students must be free from diarrhea, vomiting, or the use of fever-reducing medication for 24 hours before returning to school.

Please help us maintain a healthy school environment by keeping children home when they are unwell. As a school, we are also implementing additional preventative measures, including sanitizing classrooms, bathrooms, and frequently touched doorknobs, handrails, etc. I've also asked each classroom teacher to reiterate with our students the importance of handwashing as well as limiting the spread of germs. Please remain diligent at home as we continue through these next few weeks!


MAP Testing Next Week

Students in grades 1-5 who missed any portion of MAP (Measure of Academic Progress) Testing last week will complete their make-up tests this week. As a reminder, these assessments help us track academic growth and guide instruction throughout the year, ensuring that we continue to meet students' individual learning needs.

A good night's sleep, a healthy breakfast, and encouragement from home are all great ways to support our students during this time.


Heart Day at the LC – February 13th

First thing in the morning, Ms. Toff will host a kickoff assembly for our Jump Rope for Heart initiative. We are encouraging our students to get moving, help others, and have fun. Get a head start by signing up today and helping your student choose a daily health challenge. Find out more here or download the AHA Schools app!

Classroom Valentine parties will also take place on the 13th, and teachers will provide specific details in their newsletters. Students are invited to celebrate St. Valentine by wearing red, white, or pink with any bottoms. As a reminder, parents coming in to support these initiatives must be Safe-Guarded and follow our updated visitor policy. Please sign in at the main office and wear a visitor badge while in the building. Thank you!


Do Good Wisconsin for the Cereal Box Domino Challenge!

Our Student Leadership Council members are excited to sponsor the Domino Cereal Box Challenge in partnership with Do Good Wisconsin!

We will compete against other participating schools by collecting cereal boxes to donate to local food pantries. Our Student Leadership Council members will build and record our domino fall on Friday, February 28th!

All collected cereal will be donated to:

  • St. Mark’s Outreach Center

  • The Shalom Center

  • St. Anthony’s Food Pantry

Full, unopened, cereal boxes can be brought into the office from February 10-27th. We aim to bring in more than our 2024 collection of 231 boxes. Any assistance is much appreciated.


Father/Special Person & Daughter - Friday, February 28th

Please return this form and payment to school by February 21st - thank you!

St. Joseph the Worker, pray for us!

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